International conference: Do Web Accessibility Guidelines guarantee Universal Design?

The Norwegian Resource Network for Universal Design invites you to the Conference: Do Web Accessibility Guidelines guarantee Universal Design?

Skrevet av: Magne Lunde - 24.03.2009

The Norwegian Resource Network for Universal Design is hosting a conference which will focus on WCAG 2.0 (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) and usability challenges.

The Network is a forum where organizations, commercial enterprises, work places and research institutions can meet together to establish a common platform for creating new research projects and innovative cooperation. The conference will be a unique opportunity for research communities in Norway and Europe to meet together to create the basis for future research projects focusing on Universal Web Design.

Location and participation fee

Location: Universitetsgata 2, Oslo 
Time: 07.05.2009, 08.30 – 15.30
Participation fee: NOK 625,-
Registration: Magne Lunde, or by phone: +4721538010, before: 30. April 2009

Conference Programme, May 7th 2009 08.30 – 15.30




08.30 - 09.00



09.00 - 09.10

Welcome and Opening


09.10 -10.00

WCAG 2.0 - addressing the needs of people with disabilities and older people. A discussion of the opportunities and challenges created by this new standard in relation to Universal Design of the Web

Andrew Arch, Web Accessibility and Ageing Specialist at World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)


10.00 -10.20

Statutory rights: the Norwegian Government's use of legislation to make the Web accessible for all.

Frank Fardal, DIFI

10.20 - 10.30

Policy and legislation in Europe in the field of Web and accessibility.

Rudolph Brynn, Standard Norge

10.30 - 10.45

Coffee break


10.45 - 11.10

WCAG 2.0 in practice: examples of what selected guidelines mean for the visually impaired.

Morten Tollefsen, MediaLT

11.10 -11.30

Universal Design in practice: examples of what it means for people with severe mobility impairments to make a Web site universally designed.

Oystein Johnsen, FalckIgel

11.30 - 12.00 experiences of developing a new Web site based on Universal Design, and the adaptation into a norwegian version:

Rachel Van Riel, Opening the Book and Eva haga rogneflaaten, 

12.00  - 13.00



13.00  -14.30

Group sessions


14.30 -  14.45

Coffee break


14.45 - 15.20

Presentations from the Group sessions


15.20 - 15.30



