Foreign Aid

MediaLT has a vision, that disabled people in other parts of the world should have the same technological opportunities as we have. To achieve this goal, we have formulated a two-stage strategy. In the first stage we transfer our expertise to a resource group from the home country. In the second stage the resource group, with help from us, develops skills in their own country. This strategy is based on the principle that the resource group is much better equipped than we are to disseminate knowledge. They know the language, culture, mindset, systems etc. in their own country, and are able to customize skills transfer in the best way. The most important thing we can do is to share our expertise. The transfer of knowledge and skills creates lasting and sustainable changes in a society, and this is important to our approach. It is not enough just to hand out equipment. The transfer of expertise must happen first. Then conditions are right to start deploying the technology.

This two-step strategy has been well tested in Bhutan.  The resource group received intensive training for six months in Norway. Back in Bhutan, the resource group started work to establish an ICT training program. We travelled out to Bhutan and supported the resource group with the necessary technology, and computer technical support. Throughout the project period education and technical support continued, but has gradually been reduced until they finally are able to stand completely on their own.

For more information, see the project pages, and a paper published about the project.

We are eager to apply this strategy in other developing countries. Please contact us with your ideas about projects that should be initiated, and our strategy.