Audio description: a successful film evening

The response to our film evening with audio description, held on 22nd October, was very encouraging. There are still a few seats left for the next showing on November 13th.

Story by: Trond Ausland - 28.10.2008

On Wednesday 22nd October MediaLT held the first movie evening with audio description, showing the Norwegian movie about Erik Bye called "Giganten", and a TV episode from the popular Norwegian comedy series "Mot i brøstet". While some members of the audience had previous knowledge of audio description, for others it was a completely new experience, yet everyone was very involved.

[Picture: audience at the film evening]

Good feedback

After watching the film and the comedy series plenty of time was allowed for debate and feedback. The group were dedicated and shared an interesting discussion with constructive criticism. MediaLT very much appreciates the useful feedback from the audience which is of invaluable help in our investigation of how audio description functions and how it should best be used. We would therefore like to thank all who attended, and for the response we received.

Next showing

The next showing of these films is on 13th November. There are several places left and we hope as many people as possible will be able to attend.


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