Chemistry is a challenge for the blind

Chemical molecular structure and other chemical information has been the subject of a recently completed EU project. Technology can now make it a little easier for the blind to work with this kind of science!

Story by: Morten Tollefsen - 13.01.2009

The partners in the EU project "ICT as a gateway to scientific education of blind people and people with visual disabilities" have been: Brailcom, o. p. s, Statni technicka knihovna, Vysoké skola chemicko-technologicka v Praz, Media Lunde Tollefsen AS, ACAPO - Associação dos Cegos e Amblíopes de Portugal, Faculdade de Ciencias e Technologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa and Unia Nevidiacich a Slabozrakych Slovenska.

The most important project result is a client, a program that communicates with a server. The software that has been developed is free and can be downloaded by anyone.

Client for FireFox

The application consists of two parts: a server with chemical data and a client to present the data to the user.

The program is primarily intended as a tool for severely visually impaired students. The client is run as a FireFox extension. You must therefore use the Firefox browser to get the program to work.

The client can be used to navigate in chemical molecular structures and to study the periodic system.

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