Exciting Seminar: Free Software and the challenges and opportunities for disabled users

The Resource Network Universal ICT is holding an exciting seminar on 21st November. This is a follow up from the seminar last fall, when free software was defined as an important research and development area in the field of universal design of ICT and disabled users.

Story by: Magne Lunde - 01.10.2008

Resource Network "Universal ICT" consists of a number of communities and individuals who work with technology and universal design. The Network invites you to an exciting seminar to discuss the challenges and opportunities free software presents for disabled users. There are only 50 places so register early to get a place.

New challenges

Increased public focus on and priority of free software and open source is raising a series of new challenges in relation to universal design. Public authorities especially are encouraged to invest in free software. The Soria-Moria declaration states that the Norwegian Government will: "Stimulate business development and public use of open source software.". In Spring 2008, MediaLT conducted a survey of the challenges and opportunities for disabled users offered by open source software. The results of the survey will be presented at the seminar.

Time, place and participation fee

Friday 21st november 09.00 - 15.45

Auditorium B Telenor Expo (Map and directions)

Participation fee is 625 kr.


Registration before 10.11.2008 to:
Magne Lunde
Tlf:  91 79 00 78           





08.30 - 09.00

Registration and coffee


09.00 - 09.10

Welcome and practical information

Knut Kvale, Telenor

09.10 - 09.40

The government will base it's software policies on the use of open standards and open source: What will be the impact of such a policy for the disabled and what will follow with the enforcement of the new Discrimination and Accessibility law?

Jørund Ferns, Political adviser at the Ministry of Government Administration

09.40 - 10.10

Opportunities and challenges with free software: Summary of tests of Norwegian Linux distributions and other free software with various assistive technologies


Morten Tollefsen, MediaLT

10.10 - 10.30

Break with coffee and fruit


10.30 - 10.55

Need for research and development in the field of free software and universal design

Heidi Arnesen Austlid, Director friprogsenteret (Free program centre)

10.55 - 11.20

Lessons learned from the development of software for the disabled based on open standards and open source

Sverre Andreas Holbye, Include

11.25 - 11.50

Seen from an experienced user's perspective: What are the opportunities and challenges when using free software?

Lars Bjørndal

11.50 - 12.00

Orientation about group work


12.00 - 13.00



13.00 - 14.30

Group work


14.30 - 14.45



14.45 - 15.30

Group work is presented in plenum


15.30 - 15.45




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