Is a job with focus on Web accessibility something for you?

MediaLT is getting more and more work with Web, accessibility and Universal Design! This is academically challenging and exciting work, and now you have the chance to get a job with lots of variety and new challenges!

Story by: Morten Tollefsen - 19.03.2009

Technology in general and particularly the Web has great potential: "Solutions can be made universal!" This means that technology should take into account that people have different requirements and needs. For us in MediaLT this is a matter of course, and interest in our field is just growing and growing. If we find the right person, we want a new colleague!

What can MediaLT offer?

In MediaLT we want employees who can work independently. You will therefore be able to help shape your own working day. Of course we are also a team, and lead a number of research projects where it is important to work together.


  • A good working environment
  • Challenging research
  • Participation in national and international projects
  • Collaboration with public and private sector
  • ...

It is important for us to have a working environment where there is room for everyone, where each individual can be creative, and where we can all use our talents! If you think MediaLT can be a workplace for you, then please contact us. This is not an advertisement with a deadline. We will wait until we come into contact with someone who is highly motivated for work in this field, but we are ready to meet you at any time!

Responsibilities and Qualifications

MediaLT is a small business with 8 permanent employees. In addition, we have someone who works with special projects. In our kind of company everyone has to get on with the job when needed. In this way we get through the work, and there is rarely a dull moment on the job. You must be able to put yourself in new situations and not least like doing several things at once!

Typical tasks will be:

  • Technical responsibility for MediaLT's Web sites.
  • Participation in research projects
  • Evaluation of Web sites with respect to Universal Design
  • Develop functionality and / or small Web sites
  • * ...

The person we want to hire has:

  • Higher Education
  • Expertise in Web development (preferably .NET)
  • Good knowledge of Web technology

Since we are working with technology for disabled, it is of course an advantage if you know a little about this. Everything can be learnt, so this is not a prerequisite. It is also an advantage if you can express yourself well both verbally and in writing.

Something to consider?

If this sounds interesting please send a CV. It is also OK if you call us, so we can have an initial chat. Ring: Morten Tollefsen, 908 99 305.

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