MediaLT launches new audio description Web site

The Web site is open for everyone and its main purpose is to inform about Norwegian audio description and collect information.

Story by: Magne Lunde - 30.10.2009

The address of the new Web site is: Please send us suggestions for material that should be included, or give us feedback about what you think about the Web site.  


On this site you will find information about films that are already audio described, and coming new productions.  There is also up to date news about Norwegian audio description projects including the innovative FILM project, and a presentation of our interpreters.  

Total supplier

MediaLT is Norway's only complete supplier of everything you need for audio description. You will find more about what we have to offer on the new Web site. We hope this will be a real boost for Norwegian audio description. There is lots happening now, and for everyone who is interested in audio description, this is the Web site to watch for exciting new developments.

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