New Course in ICT and accessibility

There was a lot of interest in our training course in ICT and accessibility (universal technology), so we plan to hold a new course starting in September.

Story by: Magne Lunde - 05.02.2009

The first private certified course in ICT and accessibility (Universal technology) starts on March 4th 2009. Though the course was not widely advertised, there has been a lot of interest and we are setting up a new course in September.

New Legislation

The new Discrimination and Accessibility Act came into force 1st January 2009, and there is now a great need for expertise in all aspects affected by the legislation. This we believe to be the main explanation for the interest in the course.

The course is being run as part of the project Module in ICT and Accessibility (MIKT). The pilot project run in 2007 showed the need for increased expertise in this field. The main goal of the MIKT project has therefore been to develop a certified module in ICT and accessibility.  

Practical understanding

The course focuses on giving the participants a practical understanding of how disabled people use ICT. We believe this understanding to be absolutely necessary for Universal design in this field. The course includes a 3 day seminar with a practical introduction to using ICT as a disabled person.

Useful for many

We believe that the course will be useful for many and has a wide audience, in fact all who in some context have responsibility for Universal Design in ICT, especially:

  • Employees responsible for public procurement
  • Employees responsible for Networks in public and private concerns 
  • Employees in user organizations
  • Politicians with responsibilities for areas including Universal design and ICT
  • Members of municipal councils for the disabled
  • Employees in public and private centres of expertise for the disabled
  • Employees in the Norwegian Labour and Welfare organization; particularly those working at the centres for assistive devices 
  • Research and Development environments working with ICT and the disabled
  • Employees in higher education in ICT

Quality Control

The first version of the curriculum and test has been developed. These are quality controlled by Norwegian Test / ECDL, who will be responsible for the certification system. At the end of the course there will be a test, and those who pass the test will be awarded a diploma. The course plan below has been set up to provide systematic teaching of the curriculum.

Limited places

Registration is 30th June 2009 and course start is 2nd September 2009.
Register at MediaLT by or telephone: 2153 80 10. The course fee is 10, 000,- kroner. In view of the interest in the first course and that some places in the next course are already filled, register quickly to ensure a place, not least because there are limited places, and no skills or qualifications are required to register for the course.

Course Programme

The course consists of 6 online classes and a 3 day seminar with practical teaching.

Online teaching

Date Time Topic
02.09.2009     09.00 -11.00       

Practical course information
Overview of the course

09.09.2009 09.00 - 11.00 Universal Design
The usefulness of accessible solutions
16.09.2009 09.00 - 11.00 Politics, policies and action plans
23.09.2009 09.00 - 11.00 Guidelines and standards for accessibility
Processes and user participation in development
07.10.2009 09.00 - 13.00 Structured Web documents and other Internet services
21.10.2009 09.00 - 11.00 Selection of project assignment
Summary of the course

Three day seminar

The seminar will give the participants a practical introduction, and include theory and the opportunity to try out in practice how the disabled use ICT: the seminar will be held 13.10.2009 -15.10.2009 and will cover the following topics:

Date Time Topic
13.10.2009     09.00 Opening and information about the course
  09.15 Assistive technologies for motor disabled
  10.00 Pause
  10.10 Assistive technologies for motor disabled continued
  11.00 Pause
  11.10 Assistive technologies for visually impaired
  12.00 Lunch
  12.45 Assistive technologies for visually impaired continued
  13.35 Pause
  13.45 Assistive technologies for people with cognitive impairments
  14.35 Pause
  14.45 Assistive technologies for people with cognitive impairments continued
  15.30 Summary
  15.45 Close day 1
14.10.2009 09.00 Assistive technologies for people with dyslexia
  09.50 Pause
  10.00 Assistive technologies for people with dyslexia continued
  10.50 Pause
  11.00 Accessibility operative systems
  12.00 Lunch
  12.45 Server environments
  13.35 Pause
  13.45 Applications
  14.35 Pause
  14.45 Computer games and entertainment
  15.30 Summary
  15.45 Close day 2
15.10.2009 09.00 Mobile equipment
  09.50 Pause
  10.00 Free software
  10.50 Pause
  11.00 Other relevant ICT fields
  12.00 Lunch
  12.45 Web
  13.35 Pause
  13.45 Web continued
  14.35 Summary
  14.45 Close

Project Assignment

In cooperation with the course instructors the participants will select an assignment. The project assignment should have as practical approach as possible. The topic for the project should be handed in to the course instructors no later than 28.10.2009. If further work is needed on the topic, the course instructors will contact the participant. The topic for the assignment should be accepted no later than 04.11.2009, and the participants will then have 14 days to complete the assignment.

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