Seminar on the challenges and opportunities in Universal Design and ICT!

We would like to invite everyone who is interested in Universal Design and ICT to an important meeting.

Story by: Morten Tollefsen - 06.02.2009

Date: March 5th 2009

Venue: Health Directorate, Universitetsgt. 2, Oslo


08:30 Registration and coffee
08:55 Welcome
Erlend Øverby
09:00 Introductory Presentations
State secretary, Wenche Lyngholm, Ministry of Administration and Reform
09:30 What does the new legislation mean, and what is it we want to achieve?
Senior advisor Stig Aga Aandstad

How will this affect public procurement?
Frank Fardal, DIFI
DIFI – Agency for Public Management and eGovernment

10:30 Coffee

An information society for all? Challenges and needs.
10:45 Tore Larsen, Seniornett (Net for the Elderly)
11:00 Magnus Kjesrud, The Norwegian Association of the Blind and Partially Sighted, Youth organization
11:45 Jonas Olsen, Pupil at Storhamar Sixth form college

11:30 How to carry out a tender where Universal Design is important, case: NAV's requests.
Gunnar Horn, NAV (Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration)
12:00 Lunch

Technology to prevent exclusion and promote inclusion, our expectations?
Hans Felix, Leader of the El- og IT- Federation of the Norwegian Labour Organization


How do we ensure Universal Design in our products and services?
13:30 MS accessibility test group
14:00 IBM, Nicola Palmarini
14:45 Inlogging contextualized help, Brønnøysund register
15:00 Logistics for mobile, ÅstvedtGruppen

15:15 Proposal for a collaborative body for the development of Universal Design in ICT
Per Morten Hoff, Secretary IKT-Norway
15:45 Close

Price and registration

Price: kr. 575,

Binding registration here or to

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