Unique film show in Oslo

On Wednesday 25th November at 16.50, an audio described film will be shown at a mainstream cinema in Norway for the very first time. Sign up quickly to be part of this historic event.

Story by: Magne Lunde - 11.11.2009

The viewing of the film Best Friends at Ringen cinema will be historic for two reasons. Best Friends is not only audio described. For the first time ever there are also changes in the sound to improve the movie experience for visually impaired. The adapted version of the film will be available at an ordinary viewing of the film and will be distributed through wireless head phones at the cinema.  

A lot of interest

There are 30 headphones so you must register for the show. Please contact us here at MediaLT by phone 21 53 80 10 or email to register: info@medialt.no . There is a lot of interest, so register early to be sure of a place.  

Family movie

The film Best Friends is a family movie. Julie, Mette and Naisha are best friends. One day Naisha suddenly disappears and no one knows where she or her mother is. An address written in invisible ink is the only clue, when Mette and Julie take the night train to the big city. Will they ever get their best friend his back?    

Extra sound

This showing of the movie Best Friends is part of the Film between the ears project, which is supported by IT Funk, Delta Center, Film & Kino and Blindemisjon IL. We thank all these supporters for helping to make this possible! Furthermore, we would like to thank Storyline studios for good cooperation and all their efforts to produce the soundtrack. The project has been researching into what can be done in addition to audio description to improve the movie experience for visually impaired. Extra sound has been added which is integrated together with the audio description. As far as we know this has never been done before. Expectations are high!  

Two parallel versions

We have also been working to find technical equipment for audio distribution to wireless earphones which make it possible to listen to the adapted version without interfering with the mainstream cinema viewing.  This is an important step forward to producing a Universal film.

Speaking menus

There will be an adapted version as a separate track on the DVD and speaking menus on the DVD to enable visually impaired to have full control, also a first in Norway. You can order the DVD from us already, but it is not yet clear when the DVD will be ready for sale. We will of course send out the DVD as soon as it is produced.  

All you need to know

If you want to keep updated about audio description in Norway, go to www.synstolking.no where you will find everything you need to know about Norwegian audio description; also new audio described Norwegian films.

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