Successful course in Universal Technology

Norway's first course in Universal technology has now been completed. The results are good and participants are very satisfied with the course.

Story by: Magne Lunde - 19.06.2009

Elin Strandmyr from MERIDIAN MEDIA was one of eleven participants on the first course. - I have benefitted greatly from the course, which has opened a new world of knowledge for me says Elin.

The course is part of the project "Module in ICT and accessibility" (MIKT), which has the aim of establishing the module as a permanent course in Norway. The  next course starts in September with registration by 30th June.

Certification system

In cooperation with Norwegian Test / Datakort (ECDL), MediaLT has developed a certification system for the course. On June 18th, participants took the final test with good results.

[Photo: Participants taking the test]

Surpassed my expectations

Elin Strandmyr has worked as a Web designer for ten years, and first came in contact with this field last year, when she was given the task of developing the online magazine "Selvsagt" (Disabled against Discrimination) - I think the field of Universal Design in ICT is very exciting, and when I saw the invitation to the course in Universal technology I took the opportunity to learn more about this field.  The course has surpassed my expectations, given me insight into new problems, and also given me an expertise which has expanded my horizons.

[Photo: Elin Strandmyr taking the test]

Gained much

Elin sees that she has gained much  from this course in connection with her work as a Web designer. - Lack of accessibility to the Web is a totally unnecessary barrier. I will now use these new skills to design Web pages in a way that ensures good accessibility for everyone.

Project of their own choice

Before participants could take the test, they had to submit a project of their own choice. The variation in the projects submitted is yet another illustration of the breadth in the field of Universal design of ICT. Participants had different knowledge, interests and academic background. The  projects chosen showed this very clearly: Silverlight and acccessible functionality, case study of a visually impaired user using a municipal application form, making an existing Web site Universally Designed, processing and presentation of easy-to-read text, a comparison of search systems, development of a Web based time registration system. .. - Marking the tasks was interesting and instructive, "says Morten Tollefsen (project leader in MIKT), and adds:

"I am surprised at the breadth. The projects show that the course has been very useful, and that students have taken the project work serriously. All the students have selected tasks which will be useful in their field of work. I am very pleased about this, and am convinced that the course has been of great benefit! " The aim of the course is that students will gain practical understanding of what Universal Design and accessibility is, and the MIKT project has obviously been useful in achieving this goal."

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