Unique groundbreaking film project

What can be done during the production of a film to reduce the need for audio description afterwards? In the groundbreaking project "Film between the ears" MediaLT will try to answer this question.

Story by: Magne Lunde - 20.05.2009

During the Audio Subtitling project MediaLT began work to establish audio description as a service in Norway, and during the autumn of 2007 MediaLT was behind Norway's first film with audio description "Tatt av kvinnen". In the Spring of 2008 MediaLT followed up with two new movies, "SOS Svartskjær" and "Lunsj".

One step further

With regard to audio description, Norway is far behind countries it is natural to compare us with, e.g. England, USA and Sweden. MediaLT wanted to do something about this, and in cooperation with the Norwegian Association of the Blind and Partially Sighted we are now working to ensure that all future Norwegian films are audio described. At the same time we have a vision /purpose to take adaptation of film and television for the visually impaired a step further. During our work with audio description there has been a growing conviction that more can be done during the production of a film to reduce the need for visual interpretation afterwards. In cooperation with the Norwegian Association of the Blind and Partially Sighted and Norsk Filmstudio as we have initiated the innovative project "Film between the ears", which will conduct research into this question.

Putting Norway on the map

IT Funk and Film&Kino are now funding the project, which will continue through the rest of the year. So far as we know, this is a unique project worldwide, and the project will thus help to put Norway on the map in relation to audio description.

Half of all Norwegian films

In addition to the Norwegian Association for the Blind and partially sighted and Norsk Filmstudio, others participating in this project are the Norwegian TV and Film Producers Federation, NRK radio theatre and Gimlekollen Media School. Norsk Filmstudio as carries out audio editing for over half of all Norwegian feature films produced every year, and we believe it will be possible to do a lot work at this stage to reduce the need for audio description afterwards.

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