Well satisfied course participants

Positive feedback from the participants in Norway's first certified course in universal technology. Tests will take place in June.

Story by: Magne Lunde - 29.04.2009

Course participants attended a 3 day seminar at MediaLT at the end of April. This was a practical introduction to how disabled people use technology. In addition to these training days, the course also includes six online teaching classes.

Exchange between theory and practice

Participants were particularly satisfied with the exchange between theory and practice. The 3 day course was divided into programs, where participants first received an introduction to how the various tools are used. They were then given the opportunity to try it themselves which they found very valuable.

Good speakers

In addition to lecturers from MediaLT, lectures were also given by Daniel Scheidegger and Ragnar Simonsen from the centre for computer assistive devices (Norwegian Labour Administration) , Hilde Fresjarå from Haug school for the disabled, Laila Johnson from the Norwegian Dyslectics Association and Rudolph Brynn from Standard Norway. The variety of speakers and the content of the lectures also received positive feedback from the participants.

[Photo: Rudolph Brynn (centre) with the participants]

New course

The course in universal technology was implemented as part of the MIKT project (Module in ICT and accessibility). Because of the great interest in the course, and the positive feedback, MediaLT has already set up a a new course in the autumn. The course is already filling up, so enrol quickly to ensure a place.

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