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AlastairC: WYSIWYG editor spec - Overview

Sorry, slight change of plan, rather than producing a gargantuan post in 4 weeks, I’ll break it up. This is the overview that outlines the guidelines that affect a “What You See Is What You Get” editor (WYSIWYG) editor, and help you evaluate an editor so that you know what to look for. So what makes a good, usable, accessible, WYSIWYG editor?

AxsJAX framework - Access-Enabling AJAX

AJAX techniques have helped Web developers create live applications within Web browsers. The AxsJAX framework helps inject accessibility features into these applications so that users of adaptive technologies such as screen readers and self-voicing browsers experience the same level of interactivity that is now taken for granted by users of Web 2.0 applications.

Juicy Studio: Choosing an Accessible CMS

How do you go about choosing an accessible content management system (CMS)? What are the main criteria for success? And how to ensure ease of use for authors including screen reader users? The Centre for Inclusive Technology (CFIT), which is based in the headquarters of the National Council for the Blind of Ireland (NCBI), looked at several popular CMSs in order to assess which would be most suitable. Our approach was to look at how these CMSs work out of the box and no complex heuristics were applied in order to simulate how many other users would approach the adoption of a CMS in the real world. The assessment method was an intuitive approach with some basic core tasks such as adding content and administration. Expert Screen Reader Evaluation by Paul Traynor CFIT.

NCDAE Tips and Tools: Content Management Systems & Accessibility

Almost every large organization, educational and otherwise, uses some sort of Content Management System (CMS). A CMS is a tool or set of tools designed to help create, edit, organize and present information on the web. There are dozens of Content Management Systems available, and while each has its differences, there are some general principles that can usually be applied to increase CMS accessibility.

  • Guidelines for Choosing a CMS
  • Open Source and Commercial Tools (strengths/weaknesses )
  • Techniques to Improve CMS Accessibility
  • Resources for Popular Content Management Systems

Standards Schmandards: Evaluation of WYSIWYG editors (2007)

It has been almost a year since I tested accessibility features in some of the more popular WYSIWYG editors commonly found in open source content management systems (see Evaluation of WYSIWYG editors). During this time, most of these editors have been further developed. Let’s have a look at how they fare a year on.

Tiresias: Guidelines for the design of accessible information and communication technology systems

These Guidelines are written for designers of information and communication technology (ICT) systems and provide advice and recommendations on accessibility issues for all types of disabilities.

W3C: Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines 2.0, Working Draft 7 December 2006

This specification provides guidelines for designing Web content authoring tools that are more accessible for people with disabilities. An authoring tool that conforms to these guidelines will promote accessibility by providing an accessible user interface to authors with disabilities as well as enabling, supporting, and promoting the production of accessible Web content by all authors. "Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines 2.0" (ATAG 2.0) is part of a series of accessibility guidelines published by the W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI).