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Welcome to MediaLT!
Creating opportunities is our motto. People have different assumptions and needs. New technology must allow for this! By focusing on development, adaptation and training MediaLT aims to give disabled people opportunities to use new products and services. The important criterion for all our research is a practical result. Systematic user testing is therefore an essential part of all our work, also when adapting Web pages. However accessible Web pages and technology assume user competence. Our unique training programmes help many disabled people to master the PC and technical assistive devices.
Latest news
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07.01.2020: The new service is being developed as part of the Smart help project. The project will be carried out in collaboration with the Norwegian Federation for the Blind and with the support of the DAM foundation.
28.08.2019: Visually impaired in Norway have been asked about what they think about audio description. The results are now published.
20.03.2019: The university and college sector in Norway is finding it difficult to produce universally designed video content. In a new project we will investigate practical solutions to this challenge.
Research - Innovation
Since the founding of the company in 1999 MediaLT has become one of the leading research groups in ICT and the disabled in Norway. In all our projects we have worked to bring together centres of expertise and disabled users. The wide ranging contacts MediaLT has established during this time have undoubtedly contributed to the success of our research!
MediaLT is leading or participating in a number of national and international projects. Research and Development is the cornerstone of all our work. We are partners in EU-projects and also wish to share our competence in development aid projects. We have initiated many projects ourselves but we also carry out Research and Development on commission.
Internet and other technology create new possibilities for disabled people, but the lack of adaptation is a great problem! MediaLT can assist in the development and testing of new Web pages. We have a high level of competence in this area. Small modifications to Web pages can improve accessibility for everyone! We have a well equipped test lab and disabled experts who test Web pages and suggest solutions. We also develop and distribute several accessibility products for the Web for example Talking Web pages and accessible captcha.
MediaLT assists with the adaptation of work places for the disabled, suggesting solutions, configuring screen readers, delivering equipment, adapting software and more.
Training courses
MediaLT has developed a flexible teaching system to train disabled persons to use the PC and technical assistive devices. Our training courses are well recognized internationally. We have also received the Rosings Competence award for our adaptation of the ECDL. We have broad experience in using alternative techniques which enable disabled users to work effectively and carry out the tasks they need to accomplish!
MediaLT offers courses in the ECDL, e-Citizen, web publishing and DAISY.
We offer classroom teaching or online courses, both in groups and individually.
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