Inclusive Planet

Inclusive Planet is a venture with a very simple yet powerful agenda that is to engage smart minds across the world in order to create scalable technology and design solutions to the accessibility challenges of the differently abled (disabled).

Anyone can sign up for an account on their website and post any question to other members. At inclusive planet a user can post any question that he or she has and receive help from one of the planeteers. This question is discussed by members who may have knowledge about it.  The question for example could be related to screen readers, uploading files on YouTube or any other technology related question. You can also request for a file for example if you cannot find what you are looking for, you can make a request to the community. It may not be fulfilled immediately but soon or later you receive the feedback.

The frequently asked questions listed on the website help users to check whether their question is listed as this helps to save their time. However, in case their question is not found on the list, and then one can go on and request.

Inclusive planet works with anyone to create remarkable value, it does not matter whether you are a site owner, a services vendor, an inclusive employer or a software developer.

It enables persons with visual impairment to share accessible content with each other and build conversations around the world with people with print disability. Thus, it stands to solve the problem of lack of accessible content by handing power back to the community.

It is been built file by file by members who have shared their collection of accessible content.

It offers Accessibility Consulting Services that will work with you and your design and development team to incorporate concepts and standards that will make your website, not only accessible, but also responsive as well as optimized for search. For websites that already exist, inclusive planet offers accessibility testing, GAP analysis and remediation plans and turnkey remediation services.

It spreads the values of accessibility with both sensitization training for non-technical staff as well as full technical training for website developers with an aim to transfer knowledge and expertise in best practices and standards oriented accessible software development.

They also offer compliance certification for various international and local accessibility standards.

To ensure that their clients and end users get the best experiences possible they have partnerships with individuals and organizations from around the world. These include enable India: This is a leader in training and securing employment for differently-abled (disabled) persons, other partners include; Acrodelon Technologies and Centre for Internet and Society.

Topics discussed include; Arts and Music, Education, Employment, General ideas, Guides, Manuals and Reviews, Personal finance, Organizations, Travel and Technology etc.

Inclusive planet has a link of combined catalogues on the main page and these catalogues can be searched by users. One can search by file format which include DAISY, Title, Ms Word, and PDF, one can also search by Author, Subject and Language. However, in order to request books, you need to have a membership account with any of the DFI members

Inclusive planet has a community forum where different users meet, discuss and learn different topics. This is so amazing because at the end of the end everyone’s information needs are met.

In Inclusive planet, you can request other members to be friends with you and this allows one to identify him or herself with a group of his/her interests.

You can invite friends in two ways; you can either import your e-mail contacts for example from yahoo or gmail by entering your e-mail address and password and click on import or just type in their e-mail id’s and inclusive planet sends them an invite from you.

On the notifications page you get to know what topic is currently being discussed and also other topics and people who give comments are got from this page. Please also note that you can view all the discussed topics on the notification page i.e new and old topics.

On a users profile page, inclusive planet has a dashboard and this is where you get friends requests, you also invite friends and also other updates. Inclusive planet also allows users to add posts, upload files, add quick files and even unsubscribe.

Here you will find more about Inclusive Planet Services.