Accessible WYSIWYG HTML editor

With this "stripped" TinyMCE editor, you can write HTML documents using a web browser. The editor has exceptionally high accessibility - and perhaps we can help improving it even more?

Story by: - 05.06.2008

If you just want to write simple HTML documents, the TWP demonstrator is excellent. When you're finished writing, the document can be downloaded to your computer.

Accessible Publication System

MediaLT manages a pilot project called TWP: Accessible Web Publishing. Basically, a CMS will be developed, and an accessible

WYSIWYG editor is a natural part of such a system.

The project group would like feedback on how this simple demonstrator works. MediaLT plans to use a similar set-up for writing short stories and more. This article, for example, is written using the editor, also using the screen reader Jaws. We are especially looking for feedback related to accessability.

For more complex sites, we will use a more extensive configuration of the editor. Both version are based on TinyMCE.


Feedback may be emailed to

Where can the editor be tested?

The editor can be found at: 

Feel free to read through the Help file, especially if you are using assistive technology such as a computer-screen reader or screen magnification.

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