Pressing need for more information about audio described films and TV in Norway

Visually impaired in Norway have been asked about what they think about audio description. The results are now published.

Story by: Magne Lunde - 28.08.2019

This study was carried out as part of the project Status audio description, in collaboration with the Norwegian Association of the Blind, and supported by ExtraStiftelsen.

Unaware of the possibilities

The main finding of the study is that there is a pressing need to improve awareness about audio description (AD) in Norway. Low awareness is stated by respondents as being the most common reason why they do not take advantage of the AD services presently on offer. Many are unaware that AD is available on NRK (Norwegian Broadcasting Company) and for cinena using the MovieReading app.

Examples of good AD: Kongens Nei (The King's Choice) and NRK's Christmas series Snøfall

Four out of ten are satisfied with all the AD films and series viewed in 2018, the above being cited as the best examples. Many examples of poor AD are also given, but findings relating to specific films and series are unambiguous.

NRK's online AD most widely used

NRK's online content is the AD service most widely used by respondents. Users give several suggestions for how NRK can further improve this service. Nearly everyone using the MovieReading app is able to access the essential functions by themselves. However, one-third state that they have had sync issues, and several give suggestions for improvements to the app.

Prefer not to disturb others

Two main AD solutions are offered in Norway. NRK offers a pre-edited solution that everyone must listen to, while in MovieReading you can listen to AD without others hearing it. The large majority prefer MovieReading's solution, believing it to be disruptive for others to have to listen to the AD. Users' preference, if they disregard others and only think of themselves, is not answered in the survey.

The status survey report (Norwegian only) can be downloaded from the STAS project website.

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