Course in Web Publishing for DPAB in Bhutan

The World Wide Web also reaches over to the mountains of Bhutan. MediaLT will soon be holding a course in web publishing for the newly formed Disabled Persons’ Association of Bhutan.

Story by: Morten Tollefsen - 08.05.2014

MediaLT has worked in Bhutan before, establishing two IT centres for visually impaired, and training teachers in the use of IKT. We are soon to visit the "land of the thunder dragon" again.

The Disabled Persons' Association of Bhutan is a new organization. The Norwegian Mission and the Norwegian Federation for the Blind will be helping to establish the organization. Technology, especially the Web, is very important to reach different target groups, and we are very fortunate to have their help in this work.

In June 2014 Ernst Larsen and Morten Tollefsen will be holding a course in Web publication. The goal is to further develop the DPAB web site and to teach those involved with the association how to publish content. They are using WordPress and we will continue to use this publisher. The web content will of course be accessible (universally designed).

If you are interested in this work please read the blog:

Accessible WordPress site
Training course for Disabled Persons' Association of Bhutan (DPAB)

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