Development project in Bhutan: Final report from the Bhutan ICT project.

A summary of the ICT project in Bhutan, very interesting reading about a different way of providing development aid. We have not yet found the means to finance other similar projects, but would very much like to have the opportunity to promote ICT skills among visually impaired in other countries. It's very rewarding work!

Story by: - 01.03.2012

One of our visions, when we started MediaLT, was to give disabled people in other parts of the world the same technological opportunities as we have here in the West. We wanted to transfer our expertise to a resource group in the home country. The resource group would then be much better placed than we were to pass on this expertise to others in their own country. The evaluation of the development project in Bhutan shows that this was a successful strategy. We would very much like to use this strategy in other developing countries.

Final Report from the Bhutan ICT project - Training of Visually Impaired

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