First audio described foreign film with audio subtitling

For the first time in Norway a foreign language film is shown with audio description and audio subtitling. The German Doctor has film premiere 25th July.

Story by: Magne Lunde - 18.06.2014

Adaptation of movie The German Doctor is part of the UNIFILM project supported by The Delta Center.
It's a critically acclaimed drama about an Argentine family's encounter with Josef Mengele. Set in 1960 Dr. Helmut Gregor meets little blonde Lilith while she plays on the beach. He takes great interest in the girl whom he describes as a "perfect copy" and moves into the family hotel without the family knowing his true identity.

Positive response

The audio subtitling enables visually impaired film goers to follow the dialog in a foreign film, and is also helpful for viewers with reading and writing difficulties. Audio subtitling has been tried out in Sweden with a positive response but never before in Norway.

Neither has a foreign film been audio described in Norway, and the project is breaking new ground bringing film experiences to new user groups.

Any Cinema

There has been a cinema showing of the Norwegian audio described film Blind and a similar technical solution will now be used to show The German Doctor with both audio description and audio subtitling. A smart phone app is used to download the film to your phone. At the cinema you can start this version. Advanced sound technology synchronizes playback with the cinema sound. So you can go to any cinema with this app and there is no extra cost. The film premiere is 25th July. A detailed description of how you use the app will come later.

User test

As this film adaptation is the first of its kind in Norway we would like dyslectics and visually impaired to contact us to participate in a test group.
Ring 21 53 80 10 eller or send e-post til User testing will help us to develop the best possible solution for the future.

We would like to express our thanks to the Norwegian distributer Tour de Force fo good cooperation during the adaptation of the film.

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