Interactive PC control solution for the disabled

In 2009, MediaLT and Oslo University College tested a pilot solution for projected interactive PC control for Disabled. This solution is now to be developed into a finished product, in a collaborative project between NAV(Norwegian Labour and Welfare administration), MediaLT and Oslo University College.

Story by: - 29.11.2010


One of the main challenges for people with impaired motor skills in relation to computer use, is to control mouse movement efficiently - and without the risk of overstrain. Interactive touch screen technology is a promising platform for these people. In 2008 and 2009 MediaLT tested out this technology, first in the project PIKT (Parkinson's ICT challenges) with test users with Parkinson's disease, and secondly in the pilot project PIPPI (Projected interactive PC-control pilot solution) with children with more severe motor impairments. The tests demonstrated that control of the mouse improved significantly, and comparative mouse-clicking tests showed increased accuracy and speed compared to standard mouse solutions.

The main goal of the Pippi project was to develop and test the suitability of a projected interactive PC-control (PIP) solution for people with reduced motor ability. The project clearly demonstrated that this solution can encompass many types of users, and has the potential to enable and facilitate PC usage for the individual.

Projected Interactive PC control

This project called PIP - Projected Interactive PC control, is a collaborative project between the NAV Aid centers, MediaLT and Oslo University College. The PIP project is supported by Innovation Norway.

The PIP project is based on previous research results from both pilot projects. The goal is to develop the PIP solution to a finished product, and to investigate market opportunities for this product.

The solution

The solution gives a projection of the PC screen onto any surface. This projection allows you to customize the surface, whether it should be soft or hard, wall, floor or table. It is easy to enlarge the surface, thereby enlarging the elements on the surface and reducing the need for fine motor skills. The surface can also be reduced, if the person has limited reach. Projection thus provides a high degree of flexibility. The solution which is mounted on wheels, is portable.

The projected surface is then calibrated, and the solution interprets the infrared light on a flat surface as mouse pointer input. Both mouse movement and mouse clicking are detected.

The sender of the infrared light is a handset designed specifically for people with motor disorders. Fine-tuning of the design and further development of the palm device is still required, and this is will be the main focus of the PIP project.

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