International Network of excellence for Universal Design and ICT

MediaLT administrates a Norwegian Network focusing on Universal Design and ICT. We are now contacting you, to ask if it is of interest for you to join us in the effort to establish a similar international network.

Story by: Magne Lunde - 19.09.2008

The Norwegian Network of Excellence for Universal Design and ICT was established on June 1st 2007. The network aims to establish innovative Research and Development projects, and products and services, through regular meetings and seminars focusing on relevant research topics. In this way the Network will work towards defining the principal Research and Development challenges that will form the basis for Norwegian participation in international research. The Network is open for anyone wishing to participate.

Research into Universal Design and more especially Universal Design in ICT is of relatively recent origin.  The expansion of research into Universal Design and ICT requires definition of the principal challenges in this field. There are at present in Norway a limited number of scattered Centres of excellence. It is imperative that these institutions join together to promote this research. We believe that the international situation is similar to the Norwegian situation, and therefore we now want to take an initiative to see if it is possible to establish an international Network of Excellence in this area.

Please contact us if it is of interest for you to join such a Network. If the response is favourable, we will set up a meeting to establish an international Network of Excellence. However we think that some kind of funding is required to run the Network.  Therefore we very much welcome suggestions regarding where we can apply for such funding (e.g. possibilities for EU-funding).

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