Invitation to pilot training course in efficient Internet use

Are you visually impaired and feel you need more knowledge of effective and efficient use of the Internet? In that case, our new web course is perfect for you.

Story by: - 11.02.2010

What knowledge should visually impaired have to be able to utilize web sites in an adequate manner? This, among other things, is what the UUC (Universal User Competence) project has looked into. Through the UUC project, the necessary basic skill set has been defined. You can read more about the work here.

For the visually impaired, necessary basic skills include knowing how to appropriately utilize assistive technologies. The defined competency requirements thus address the essential functionality in screen readers and screen magnifiers. Important strategies are included and techniques you, as a blind or partially sighted Internet user, must exploit in order to use a website efficiently.

Based on the defined skill set, a pilot test course is now set up to test these requirements. For this reason, we are currently seeking two blind and two partially sighted course participants.

The curriculum of the course is derived directly from the UUC project competency requirements, and we would therefore like to come into contact with both screen reader and screen magnifier users.

The course will be held in April. The pilot course is free of charge!

Are you interested?

Pleace contact us by email at or phone 21 53 80 10!

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