MediaLT 10 years

MediaLT's first 10 years have been one long success story, and have exceeded all expectations.

Story by: Magne Lunde - 19.08.2009

MediaLT was founded by Morten Tollefsen and Magne Lunde on 2nd August 1999. Both had their own companies and had collaborated on joint projects. A year after starting up the company Morten and Magne were employed by their own company, and today there are 13 emplyees.

Rosing expertise award

From the very beginning MediaLT had an ambition to be a different kind of IT company for the disabled, a company that would improve daily life for the disabled in Norway and internationally, by means of new ideas and innovation. MediaLT has since managed many Research and Development projects in Norway, and has participated in several international research projects. In 2002 Morten Tollefsen and Magne Lunde received the IT expertise award (Rosing) for their work in Research and Development. The expertise from Research and Development work has been used to establish high-quality IT training for disabled people. This had not previously been widely available in Norway, and recoieved international attention which led to international collaboration. Over 60 disabled poeple have since been able to complete all seven modules ofthe ECDL

Norwegian Speech Technology

MediaLT’s heaviest investments in the coming years will be in Norwegian speech technology. The basis for the investment is through the SMUDI project which, amongst other things, has led to the development of a new Norwegian voice engine. Another area that has become important is Web accessibility. In this area MediaLT is recognized as one of the leading communities in Norway and work in this area is increasling.

The best gift

The best gift we can receive is to hear from you. What do you think of us as a company, how can we improve, what do you think we do well, which new projects and technologies should we engage in? We look forward to hearing from you by e-mail or call 21538010.

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