New solutions for the distribution of audio description

MediaLT is working to provide audio description serives in new arenas. We have recently started a new project, the aim of which is to find an improved solution for the distribution of AD at the cinema, theatre and other venues.

Story by: Magne Lunde - 31.05.2013

The new project, which is called Audio Description Online (SETT project) is supported by Delta Center, and will continue until 31st December 2013. The main objective of the project is to present a user-friendly and affordable solution for the distribution of AD.

New venues

The project will be implemented in close collaboration with a related project, The Future of Audio Description in Norway (FRES project), which aims to lay the foundation for AD in new arenas such as cinema, television and online, and to increase the number of audio described Norwegian films. The successful provision of AD in new arenas requires that there is an appropriate and effective solution for the distribution of AD at these venues, for example in the cinema and at the theatre. The work done in the SETT project to implement such a solution will in this way support the work in the FRES project.

Unsatisfactory in England

As part of the FRES project we went on a study tour to England in April where we were able to try equipment used for the distribution of AD at the cinema and theatre in England. Our experience was that this equipment does not satisfy the necessary requirements. In a previous article about the study tour you can read about our experiences, and more about the general situation in England.

Smart phones

We are now looking at solutions based on smart phones. Everyone always has their phone with them,  eliminating the need for an additional gadget at the venue. This has several advantages. The users have the ear phones which they are familiar with and like best, and the cinemas do not need to provide them. The availability of ear phones ready for use at the venue has been a problem in other countries. In addition the smart phone can provide an affordable solution.

In the first phase of the project we will identify existing solutions, and then based on the solution that we consider to be best, we will further develop a new solution, which will be user tested before completion.

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