Norwegian book about Web and Universal Design

An informative book which is easy to read, with a practical approach to creating websites which work well for everyone.

Story by: Morten Tollefsen - 10.10.2013

The meaning of Universal Design is "the most possible for as many as possible". Everyone working with web wants to reach as many people as they can and we must all learn to consider that people are different, both inside and out.

There are international guidelines for accessibility for disabled and Norwegian legislation that requires Universal Design. The book provides an overview of requirements for new solutions and what tools you can use. It is written first and foremost to inspire innovative and creative development, where the goal is easy use for everyone. Other contributors to this goal are: Jakob Nielsen, Steve Krug, Haakon Wium-Lie, Frode Eika Sandnes, Rudolph Brynn, Jo Herstad Trond Ausland, Harald Holon, James Thyness, Mikael Snaprud Aslak Syse, Håkon Aspelund and Liv Arum.

In the book you will meet Torbjørn Sæterbø who became blind in an accident with a mine, and other interesting people with various disabilities. Through meeting them you will come to understand the interesting challenges you meet when creating web sites for everyone. A practical understanding of how different people use the web is absolutely essential to create a good website.

Universal design is not so much a product as a process. By sharing his own experiences the author explains typical errors and offers good advice; what is good about the accessibility standards, how should you approach user testing with disabled, are blind people able to get anything out of video and photos ... and much more!

The example collection is a supplement to the book, with examples of coding and demonstrations of practical tools, for example contrast measurement.

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