Resource Network for Universal ICT is Continued

The Norwegian Research Council feels the experience with resource networks has been very positive, and has therefore decided to extend the support to the Resource Network for Universal ICT with two more years.

Story by: - 17.06.2008

In the spring of 2007, MediaLT took the initiative to start the Resource Network for Universal ICT, aiming to bring together the key players on the field. Today, the Resource Network  consists of 20 partners. The Resource Network is open, and interested parties can get in touch with MediaLT if they want to get involved.

Trial year

Resource networks were started as a trial last year, and the Norwegian Research Council program Verdikt conducted an evaluation of the networks this spring. The Resource Network for Universal ICT was one of ten networks that received renewed confidence. Verdikt writes the following about the networks: "The program board decided at the meeting 3. June to continue the support of 10 of the 12 networks that started in the fall of 2007. The resource networks have actively worked to mobilize their professions, generate projects, communicate and describing the research challenges in their fields. Through these activities do they work as strategic players for the program."


The Resource Network for Universal ICT plan to conduct two national seminars (autumn 2008 and autumn 2009), aiming to highlight key issues within the profession. An international seminar is also sheduled, for the spring 2009. Further, the Resource Network aim to carry out a larger conference in the spring of 2010. Keep track of the network's web site for more information about the activities.

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