Team www: MediaLT's User test team

Our Web team consists of around 50 disabled people who perform user testing of websites and services.

Story by: Morten Tollefsen - 04.03.2011

MediaLT is well known for expert evaluations of accessibility and universal design. We also have extensive experience with user testing, both in research and evaluation of sites for accessibility/ usability.

Feel free to read more about our web and universal design services

The world's best test team?

Traditionally, user testing uses a lot of resources. MediaLT has established Team www, which gives us unique opportunities to test both quickly and cost effectively.

We do not know if there are other similar initiatives like Team www. The test team consists of approximately 50 disabled people with different experiences and different disabilities.

Can you be a team member?

We are always open for including more participants in Team www. It is especially relevant for those who may have trouble using websites if universal design / accessibility is not taken into account. Examples of disabilities:

  • Mobility impaired (especially impaired hand function)
  • Blind
  • Severely impaired vision
  • Dyslexia (or other reading disability)
  • Hearing impaired
  • Impaired cognitive function
  • Combined Disabilities

You must be able to use the web and the ordinary functionality in the assistive devices you use.

Most assignments can be done on your own computer. You can even choose whether you want to say yes or no to an assignment, but if the answer is yes then MediaLT must be able to count on you to perform the job on time.

In some cases special security procedures must be followed. This may mean that testing must take place at MediaLT premises or at our customers premises.

You will of course be paid for the work you take on!

If you would like to be part of the team you can write an email to us that includes:

  • Some information about yourself
  • Why you are suitable to do testing
  • Which assistive devices you use
  • Examples of sites / services you use today
  • How much time you have available per week.

Send an email to:

Morten Tollefsen

Ring Morten if you have further questions: +47 908 99 305

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