Twice as many visually impaired people in work

Quality computer training for visually impaired people is a good social investment. This is profoundly clear after 10 years experience of computer education here at MediaLT.

Story by: Magne Lunde - 30.03.2010

The figures speak for themselves: nearly 60 percent of those who have completed the ECDL certificate at MediaLT are currently in paid employment. Only seven per cent are receiving disability pension. Among the visually impaired generally only one in three are in paid employment and nearly 50 per cent receive disability pension.

Tangible proof

This is tangible proof that targeted and high quality computer training produces positive results. We believe that if all visually impaired people of working age in Norway secured such education, labor force participation today would be much higher among the visually impaired. Our experience is that ICT skills among the visually impaired are inadequate, and that there is therefore a great need for more education.

In short supply

When MediaLT was established in 1999, standardized quality IT training for disabled people was in short supply. With support from the Norwegian Research Council we have invested much time and resources in building up a diverse range of IT courses for the disabled. We have gained expertise in the use of alternative techniques, combined with assistive computer technology, and have always adhered to one main goal: to enable the disabled to do the same as non-disabled without compromising standards. We have found that there are many methods to achieve IT expertise, and now have the knowledge and skills to teach disabled the best procedures for their needs.


When we now look back on ten years of computer training, we have to say that we are proud of the results the training has produced, and continues to produce. This gives us inspiration to continue the work to improve disabled ICT skills, thereby contributing to more disabled people in employment.

Wide range

We offer a wide range of ICT courses for disabled; everything from basic to advanced courses. On this website you can read about what we have to offer. Please contact us if you require training!

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