New Norwegian book project: Universal Design of Documents

The Norwegian book Web og Universell Utforming (Web and Universal Design) was published by Universitetsforlaget in 2013. We are following this up with a new book project: Universelt utformede dokumenter (Universally Designed Documents).

Story by: Magne Lunde - 14.07.2014

Our book about Web and Universal Design was very well received. This positive feedback again emphasized that it is important to improve knowledge about Universal Design. We are interested in disseminating our expertise in this field and have now initiated a new book project: Universally Designed Documents. The project is supported by the Delta Centre (The Norwegian Resource Centre for Participation and Accessibility) research program UNIKT and Blindemissionen IL.

Easy to read

Many people are prevented from reading documents which are not Universally Designed and we receive many questions about how to create documents with best possible readability. Our new book will explain and clarify these challenges in a simple and easily understandable way providing instructions for how documents should be formulated. The book will address the most common document types such as PDF, word processing documents, spreadsheets and presentations.

For everyone

Collaboration has been initiated with Universitetsforlaget and the goal is to publish in the first half of 2015. We are nearly all in the target group which includes almost all who are working with document management in their daily work situation.
The book will be included in all our courses about programmes essential to office work.

Contact us

Please contact us if you have experiences of what makes document easy to read, or very difficult to read. Tells us about good examples and other user experiences.

You can follow the project on the project web site.

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