Creative training for disabled children and young people in smartphone and app technology

MediaLT, in collaboration with NAV (Norwegian Labour and Welfare administration) resource centre in Østfold, will develop and implement courses for children and young people with disabilities, in the use of a smartphone and apps. The aim is to develop courses that can be offered in collaboration with all Norwegian resource centres.

Story by: Magne Lunde - 30.06.2017

The courses will be run as part of the Creative 2017 project: creative training to improve young people's proficiency and participation in smartphone and app technology. The project is supported by the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration, assistive devices and facilitation, and is being implemented in cooperation with NAV HMS Østfold.

Participate in the same way

It is important to give disabled children and young people the opportunity to participate in the same way as others. Standard technology makes this possible, though it is challenging for disabled young people to learn to use this technology. The main objective of the project is to arrange a practical arena for disabled children and young people, through pleasure filled, creative activities, which will enable them to achieve a sense of aptitude and participation in technological development. It is crucial to start this process early, if we are to equip disabled young people for an ever more technology-based working life.

Mapping the needs

The project will be initiated with a survey of the needs of disabled children and young people in relation to the use of smartphone and apps. Based on the survey, we will select the most interesting and appealing apps, and develop a course program and materials. It would be good to get input from children and young people themselves, their guardians and professionals in the field on what are the most important needs. Contact us by e-mail or by phone 21 53 80 10.

Four pilot courses

With limited project resources we have chosen one county, Østfold, as the pilot county, and the target group is restricted to visually impaired and mobility disabled youngsters. In cooperation with NAV HMS Østfold, we plan to set up courses in November 2017. We will come back with more information about dates and courses. The courses will provide an introduction to the opportunities smartphones can give to disabled young people, to be then be followed up with practical training. Four course will be available:

Afternoon course for professionals and guardians for visually impaired under 26 years

Evening course for visually impaired under 26, and their guardians

Afternoon course for professionals and guardians for mobility disabled people under 26

Evening course for mobility disabled people under 26, and their guardians

More information can be found on the project website.

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