Project Audio description for Norwegian streaming services

There aren't currently any Norwegian streaming services that offer audio description. We have therefore initiated a new project, Audio description and streaming services.

Story by: Magne Lunde - 30.03.2016

The main objective of the project Audio description and streaming services is to develop a solution for audio description in Norwegian streaming services.
The project is supported by the Norwegian Delta Centre UNIK programme.

Strong competition from streaming services

Both television and the DVD market are now experiencing strong competition from streaming services. Few Norwegian films are now released on DVD which has until now been the main medium for provision of audio description in Norway. It is therefore important to find a good solution for audio description in streaming services.

Netflix offers audio description in the US

Netflix started audio description in the American market in 2015, but they don't yet offer this service in any other country. We have initiated a collaboration with SF anytime, one of the major suppliers of streaming services in the Scandinavian market. Our aim is to first establish a service with SF anytime and then encourage other providers in the Norwegian market to follow suit.


Project web page

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