Good quality audio description in Norway

All new Norwegian films must be audio described, but there is no stipulation as to the quality of the audio description. We have therefore initiated a new project to investigate how visually impaired experience the quality of audio description now on offer in Norway.

Story by: Magne Lunde - 21.01.2019

The new project (Status audio description) will ascertain the status of audio description services and facilitate user participation to ensure good quality audio description in Norway. The project will be carried out in collaboration with the Norwegian Association of the Blind and Partially sighted and is supported by ExtraStiftelsen (an association of voluntary organizations working with health and rehabilitation in Norway).

Status survey

The status survey is the first part of the project and will focus on the following questions:

  • How do visually impaired experience the quality of the audio description on offer?
  • How many people use the audio description services on offer for cinema and TV?
  • How do visually impaired rate the Moviereading app used in the cinema?

We are now designing the survey and would be happy to hear from you regarding which questions you think the survey should clarify. Send an e-mail to or call 91 79 00 78.

User participation

We believe user participation to be an essential part of the process to ensure good quality audio description. After the survey, we will investigate methods to facilitate user participation with the aim of establishing a permanent solution.

Guidelines for audio description are a means of ensuring good quality and the project will work to develop guidelines that all parties can work with. The project will also work towards improving awareness and knowledge of audio description in Norwegian society.

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