Norwegian voice control soon ready for testing

We have been working to develop a Norwegian voice control system. You can control the computer by speaking specific commands to it. Progress has been good and it won’t long before we are ready to test the system! Would you like to be part of the testing? If so: Read on!

Story by: - 11.01.2010

For the first time it will be possible to control your PC using Norwegian voice commands! We hope that this will be a great pleasure for everyone struggling to use the keyboard or mouse! For example, you can now say to your computer:

  • "Explorer" - to start (if necessary) and go to Internet Explorer.
  • "Control alt delete" - to simultaneously activate the Ctrl+Alt+Del keys.
  • "Double Click" - to perform a double click of the mouse on the left mouse button.
  • "Insert page numbers" - to insert page numbers in a Word document.

Whilst you cannot currently dictate the text, you can spell and this solution means that you can achieve anything with your PC just by talking.

Veridict is our Swedish partner responsible for technical development of the system. They are now working to improve the first version of the system. As yet not all the commands one should be able to say are built into the system, but this will be completed during the winter months. So there is a shorter period of further quality assurance work before the system is ready for user testing. It is important for us to have a good system before it is released for testing, and it is therefore difficult to estimate precisely which month this will be, but it should be ready in the Spring.

What we need are users to try out the system for 1-2 weeks, instead of using the keyboard, mouse and other "input" devices. We want testers to work as usual, and use the computer as they otherwise would. All testers will receive good training and follow-up throughout the test period.

We are now looking for testers who:

  • Live in the Oslo area - so that we can easily come and help you should there be a need for this.
  • Have greater physical challenges using keyboard and / or mouse - so the system can really be tested by those it is primarily designed for.
  • Think that such a system can facilitate your daily life - and want to help us to thoroughly evaluate the system.
  • Are men, with eastern dialect and / or bokmål pronunciation.
  • Are not already users of Dragon Natural Speaking.

If you think the description above fits you well, and you want to test the system, we will be very pleased if you contact us by e-mail: or phone: (+47) 21 53 80 10.

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