Craftmanship, innovation and art

Universal Design (UD) as part of the deveopment process, and not just determined by a set of standardandized and technical validation criteria, requires tools and techniques that enable us to design for everyone, and allow different assumptions to be integrated in the processes of planning, implementation, and testing. In this project we want to document and develop techniques and methods for creating universal websites sites and services

The current areas of focus are:

  • Assistive Technology and accessibility standards: to document alternative assistive technologies through testing, literature search and an active discussion forum, looking at accessibility standards, constraints and opportunities. Demonstrators / sample collection should be developed
  • Web development and human-computer interaction: to develop and demonstrate knowledge and appropriate methods for modern web development and UD  based on theory and practice. The working hypothesis is that success is based on craftsmanship, innovation and art

The result will be a book conveying what universal design of web is, and what it is not, potential for designing for wide audiences, and what tools, techniques and criteria exist for the design of an innovative and creative UD interface. IT Funk's previous projects will be used as examples of good practice, and ongoing communication / discussion between experts will be facilitated.

The project is supported by:

IT Funk