Child's Voice

Children with impaired speech abilities are as of today forced to use the synthetic voice of a grown up in order to communicate with their surrondings, or not use automatic synthetic speech at all. This is true both nationally and internationally. Research has shown that this is problematic for the development of self communicative interaction, situational feedback  and in play. The Child's Voice project therefore aims to investigate what is needed to create a Norwegian synthetic child's voice and, if possible, initiate a follow-up development project.

In the Child's Voice project, we will conduct an investigation into what is needed to create a Norwegian synthetic child's voice. The development of children's voices has had a lack of focus, both nationally and internationally. The reason for this is probably that producing a child's voice is a lot more complicated than producing an adult's voice. For children with missing or impaired ability to speak, this is unfortunate. The challenges and opportunities for the development of a Norwegian synthetic child's voice will be investigated.