Multimedia and young persons with Disabilities

Exciting, fun computer games and multimedia products for young people with learning disabilities, are these available? MediaLT has started a project to investigate entertaining multimedia products for people with disabilities. A wide range of learning disabilities are included. This project, which is funded by the Norwegian Research Council, started in October and will run over a three year period.

Many young people with learning disabilities wish to use the popular computer games and entertaining multimedia products used by friends and family who are not disabled. There is a need for these multimedia products to be adapted to suit the special needs of disabled users, and for the development of new programs. Specially developed products should contain the best aspects of entertainment products for the general population, so that family and friends and disabled young people can enjoy these products together.

An important goal for this project is to establish a web site, where people with disabilities, parents, teachers and assistants can exchange information and experiences, and audio, picture and video products which are not copyright protected. The web site will be a meeting place for the disabled, parents, friends and helpers.

The project is now setting up guide lines for program development, test criteria, standard games to be tested etc., which will be published on these pages (and eventually the new web site). If you have ideas, comments or can contribute to this project in any way, we will be pleased to hear from you.