Blog from Bhutan January/February 2010

Finstadsveen, Nordby and Kippenes travelled to Bhutan 15 January 2010.

In 2007 five people from Bhutan were trained by MediaLT, and have since served as a resource group to establish and implement ICT-education of the visually impaired in Bhutan. In January 2009 the resource group completed a vocational ICT course for visually impaired in Bhutan with the help of MediaLT. The goal of the present trip is to assist the resource group with teaching a similar course (Second In-Service Workshop for visually Impaired Employees.).

Some of the course participants are teachers who will teach visually impaired, and need training in assistive technology for this purpose, for example the screen reader Jaws.

You will find our Bhutan blog below, which tells you what we are doing there, and our experiences with the project and tour. We have tried to convey some of the country, but this is of course just a small project-oriented blog. Anyway, we hope you will enjoy what we publish.

The journey and the first week.

The second week in Bhutan. From Excel to PowerPoint and Internet Security.