Report and feedback of ICT In-service 2009


The 1st in-service on computer basic operational level held in January 2009 in National Institute for the Visually Impaired was, indeed, a great success. With the provision of training and laptop to each and every candidate has made the life not only easier but of better quality, be it in job or in day to day life. Based on the minutes of the meeting held at Gaylephu High School during the 2nd in-service in 2010, the ICT Committee of NIVI had conducted a survey and received the following feedback.

The questions were asked to the following persons:

  • The individual trainee.
  • A friend of a trainee.
  • And the supervisor of the trainee.

Question for the Trainee:

  1. Did you have any computer skills before availing the training? If so on what level.
  2. What difficulties did you face before the training?
  3. Through availing the course, how did it make easier be it in job or in day to day personal life?
  4. In a paragraph or so, describe how the knowledge gained from the course is applied to help you in the working environment?

Question for a friend:

  1. What difficulties did he/she face before availing the course?
  2. What changes do you find after availing the training?
  3. Based on your own views, write about a paragraph how the ICT Training has brought changes to your friend's life be it in personal life or at work?

Question for the supervisor:

  1. What difficulties did he/she face before availing the course?
  2. What changes do you find after availing the training?
  3. Based on your own views, write about a paragraph how the ICT Training has brought changes to your subordinate's life be it in personal life or at work?

There were ten candidates for the training. 2 female, 8 male; 4 were college students, 1 shopkeeper, 1 messenger, 1 teacher trainee and three teachers.

Based on the report and feedback received from the trainees, they mentioned that none of them had availed such computer courses in the past. While they had typing skills using an ordinary English Keyboard typewriter, (as taught in the institute) they had no knowledge on the use of a computer. The one month training had brought pivotal change in their lives, be it in their studies, jobs  or in their personal day to day lives.

The difficulties faced by the studentsChanges after availing the training.

Unable to obtain Braille reading materials and references.

Students could download e-books from the internet or read the soft copies provided by the lecturers/friends. 

Unable to submit project/assignments on time as they had to type on an ordinary typewriter.

The assignments/project works could be directly typed on the computer and submit the print copy. As this did not require to keep a Braille copy for reference, the assignments/project works could be submitted on time. 

Note taking was very difficult as they had to either find a dictator or write using writing slate and stylus. (They were not allowed to take Perkins Brailler as these machine made lot of noise and diverted the attention of the other students of the class).

Laptop became not only an easy accessible tool, but also served as a pen/pencil. It could be used for taking note in the class as this device did not produce any noise. 

Shortage and unavailability of Braille Paper was another major issue.

This problem was faced out as it did not require any Braille paper.  

The study proved to be very expensive as they had to purchase not only the Braille paper but also the paper for typing on the ordinary typewriter.

Purchasing only the computer paper made it less expensive. 

Worst of all, typewriters were beyond the control of the non-visual persons.

There were times when they had to retype as the letters were not clear due to the typing ribbons either too old, located on the mark that provided only white, choose of wrong colors or sometimes letters were dirty.

Proved with lots of typing errors.

JAWS/MAGIC enable the visually impaired user to enable to fully control and thus make the minimum errors.

Often the manuscript has to be proofread by a sighted friend. In the college where all had same task to do, it is not easily available to provide such help. Therefore, the paper had to be submitted most of the time with lots of typing errors. This resulted in receiving less marks, although the student may be very excellent in the subject.

Use of the computer made the work better and produced finer quality. 

Corresponding with friends and families were worse.  They either had to type on an ordinary typewriter or ask someone to write for them.

Use of e-mail or printed copy of the letter solved the problems mentioned. 

Taking notes, writing project/assignments took lots of time. If a paragraph was missed, the whole document had to be rewritten.

 The possibility to manipulate in a document, made it easier and solved the problem. 


Organizing work was not easy as it required lots of books and files to be kept in tact. This required lot of space be it in the class or in the hostel.

All the project, assignments and reference materials can be managed carrying a laptop.   

The shopkeeper had to write all the documents in Braille. This often resulted in misunderstanding with weak dots or misplace of the document.

With the use of a laptop, he could check balance, manage and plan budget.

Corresponding with dealers/ customers, friends and family members were not easy.

With the use of a laptop, correspondence has not only been made easier, but also faster and better quality.

He had to depend mostly on a sighted person to work on bills, producing receipts etc.

He can now directly type and print out the receipts/bills.

The Messengers had to record in Braille of the work he/she did and had to type again for the supervisor.

With the use of laptop, he/she is now able to directly type and provide the printed copy. This not only saves time but also able to manage a better and finer quality.

Transcription of questions by the blind teachers for the sighted children was the major issue. He had to write in Braille for his/her reference and had to retype on an ordinary English keyboard typewriter. This resulted in consuming a lot for time.

With the knowledge gained from the computer training programme, the teachers are now able to directly type the questions and spend half the time used earlier, if not less.

Those who had not typing skills had to ask someone to type for them. This resulted in the leakage of questions and confidentiality was beyond one's control.

With the use of the computer, the teachers are not only able to complete preparing questions on time, but also provide better quality and maintain confidentiality, required.

Due to the limited Braille resources, references was not easily available.

Through internet, the teachers can now download e-books and other references for teaching. His/her job has been now better.

All the Braille users without the knowledge of computer faces the similar problem for correspondence.

With the knowledge of the computer, the correspondence with friends and families has not only been easier, but maintain confidentiality and privacy.


To sum up, the 1st ICT In-service held in NIVI 2009 was, a great success. Through this training, It has opened door to a new horizon into their lives. Be it a student, teacher, officer messenger or a private shopkeeper, they all expressed their thanks to the Royal Government of Bhutan, the ministry of Education, particularly the special education, NIVI and all the resource persons for conducting the training. Above all, they thank the Medialt, NORAD and other donors for answering their prayers, for hearing calls and for making their dreams come true.