Summary: PIKT

Standard hardware and software cannot be used in an appropriate manner by everyone, and knowledge of suitable adaptations is necessary. This competence is lacking for people with Parkinson's disease (PD).

We find that use of the PC is an especially high priority for people with Parkinson. Practical tests of possible  PC-adaptations for the target group will be carried out i.e. tests with alternative input / output devices and various customized interfaces. It will also be appropriate to develop a smaller test to demonstrate user challenges.  

A survey will be carried out in collaboration with The Norwegian Parkinson Federation and others, to collect information about how employees in the target group experience use of the PC.

A guide to possible adaptations for the target group will be written, based on the tests and survey .  

The project will result in proposals for further research work on specific problem areas for the target group. The knowledge acquired in the pilot project will probably also be useful for other groups facing similar PC challenges, for example older users, people with cognitive impairments, mobility disabilities and injuries.