Project group: MIKT

NameOrganisationArea of Work
Magne Lunde MediaLT Project management, testing and evaluation, establishing permanent course
Morten Tollefsen MediaLT Project management, ICT and accessibility, setting up syllabus course and tests, running the course, literature
Trond Ausland MediaLT ICT and accessibility, running the course, literature
Bernt Nilsen Datakortet a.s Syllabus, certification, establishing permanent course
Håkon aspelund Delta center Course content, certification, establishing permanent course
Rudolph Brynn Documentation center Course content, International work, establishing permanent course
Daniel Scheidegger Center for ICT assistive devices(SIKTE) ICT and accessibility
Knut Lindelien Standard Norge Standards, International work
Kirsten Ribu Oslo Universtiy College Course content, establishing permanent course
Andre Liem NTNU Course content, establishing permanent course