Summary: MIKT

MediaLT conducted a pilot project, supported by the Norwegian Research Council (IT Funk)during the period 15.04.2007 - 15.12.2007,  to survey and lay the foundation for a certified training module in ICT and Accessibility (MIKT project). Analyses in the pilot project show that there is a great need for this training, and the results of the pre-project provide a solid basis for the continuation of the work to develop the module.
The main goal of the MIKT project is to establish a certified training course n ICT and accessibility.

The pilot project concluded that there is a lack of availability of this type of training, outside the University/College sector. A prerequisite for fulfilling the overall objective of a universally designed ICT society,  is that there is sufficient expertise among everyone involved. A certified course in the private sector would be more generally available for everyone, also for those who lack the necessary qualifications for College courses. Thus the creation of a training module in the private sector should make a significant contribution to  improving opportunities for the Disabled, and increase their active participation in society.

The main part of the work is the development of the syllabus, course, test system and study literature for the module. Since this module is breaking new ground, development is no trivial task, especially as it involves measurement of non-understanding of disabled ICT challenges. An understanding of how different groups of disabled use the PC and computer aids is an essential part of the training, and a central issue is how this can best be taught and tested.