When a chart is inserted (and selected) three chart ribbons are displayed:
Editing various chart elements may require a lot of steps as you will see from the following examples.
Jaws: You need to first focus on the chart to be able to edit it. Press Ctrl+Shift+O, and then choose Edit chart from the context menu.
Select the chart.
To add a chart title press alt+JA, T. Choose Centre overlay (doesn't resize the chart) or Above chart from the menu. Choose Edit text from the context menu and select the text. Write over with your own title.
Press alt+JA, B to add labels with values for each column, sector etc. Choose the label position for example Outside End (over the data columns) from the submenu and press Space.
Press alt, JO and tab once to the list of chart elements. Open the list with down arrow, choose the element from the list and press Enter. Choose Format data series from the context menu (up arrow and press Enter). Arrow down to Fill. Tab to automatic , arrow up to solid fill. Tab to colour, press Space to open the colour palette and choose the colour using the arrow keys. Press Space and tab to close.
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