Page Layout in Word 2007


You can divide a larger document into Sections using Section breaks. This can be useful if for example you wish to have a front page in your document with a different design to the other pages.  You can then choose different Page Layout options for this page,  margins, vertical alignment etc.

You will often choose to insert a section break before the next new page, but you can also make a section break on the same page, for example if you want to change the margins on the second half of the page.

Page Layout options may then be applied to the whole document, or to the particular section you are in.

Insert a Section Break

1. Position the cursor in front of the text where the new section is to start.

2. Choose the category Page Layout and choose Break in the group Page Layout. Or press Alt+P,B.

3. Choose the desired Section break from the menu, Next page, Continuous (same page) etc. and press Space.

Delete  a Section Break

1. Show the formatting symbols (press Ctrl+Shift+8).

2. Place the cursor on the section break and press Delete.

Page Layout Options

These Options are found in the Page Setup dialog box which has 3 tabs, Margins, Paper and Layout.


Change the margins

Place the cursor in the section. Choose the category Page Layout, Margins. Or press Alt+P,M. There are several standard margin options, Normal, Narrow etc which you can choose from the gallery and press Space. To set the margins yourself open the margins menu and press Up arrow and Space to choose Custom margins. This opens the Page Layout dialog box, Margin tab.  Enter the margin sizes and choose OK.

Page Orientation and Size

Page orientation is normally Portrait. Landscape orientation is often used for longer lines of text and tables.

Change Page Orientation

Place the cursor in the section. Choose the category Page Layout, Orientation. Or press Alt+P,O. Choose Portrait or Landscape and press Space.

Change Page Size

Place the cursor in the section. Choose the category Page Layout, Size. Or press Alt+P,SZ. Choose the desired size and press Space.


To divide the text in columns with shorter lines of text:
Place the cursor in front of the text or select the text. Choose Page Layout, Columns. Or press Alt+P,J. Choose the number of columns and press Space.

Insert a Column Break

Place the cursor to the left of the text which will start the new column. Choose Page Layout, Break. Or press Alt+P,B.  Choose Column in the menu.
Jaws: It is not easy to work with columns using Jaws, as it is difficult to ascertain how the columns look, whether there are even amounts of text in each column etc.

Delete Column break

Show the formatting symbols (Ctrl+Shift+8). Place the cursor on the Column break and press Delete.
Jaws may not announce column breaks.

Change the Options for Columns

Place the cursor in the section with columns. Choose Page Layout, Columns. Or press Alt+P,J. Choose More columns and then Enter the options and press OK.

Header and Footer

Examples of typical headers and footers are Document name, Author, Page number, Logo etc. The Header and Footer will appear on all the pages in the document. There are options for a different first page and different odd and even numbered pages.

Insert Header or Footer

Choose the Insert category, Header or Footer. Or press Alt+N,H or O. Choose type of Header: Blank to enter a header to the left, Blank 3 columns to enter headers left, centre and right, and press Space.

A new category is now displayed Header Design. Type in the Header. Or you will find various types of Headers in Header Design. For example Author, press Alt+JH, Q (Quick parts) and F for field. Choose Author from the list and press Space.
The options for different first page etc. are also in Header Design. The cursor is in the Header, press Alt+JH, ZO for Options.
Press Exc to close the Header.

To remove the Header choose Insert, Header, Remove. Or press Alt+N,H,R.The Header is removed and focus is back in the main document.

To return to the Header and edit choose Insert, Header, Edit. Or press Alt+N,H,E.
Jaws: Unfortunately Jaws does not read the Header when you choose Edit. Press Shift+End to select the text and you can write over it.

To Switch Between Header and Footer

When the cursor is placed in the Header or Footer choose Design, Go to Footer or Header. Or press Alt+JH,G.

Save a Header or Footer in the Gallery

Select the Header or Footer. Choose Design, Header, Save Selection to Header gallery. Or press Alt+JH,H or F, S. Type in the name and other options and press OK.

Remove Header or Footer from the Gallery

Choose Insert, Header or Footer. Or press Alt+N,H or F. Choose the Header or Footer from the menu (press End to go to the bottom of the list) and use the application menu. Choose Organize and Delete, and then Delete in the dialog box. Choose Yes to confirm the deletion and then Esc to close the Header.

Page Numbering

Choose Insert, Page Number or press Alt+N,NU. Choose Top of Page, Bottom of Page etc. depending on where you want the page numbers. Choose the desired Alignment from the submenu: Plain number 1 is left, Plain number 2 is centre and Plain number 3 is right.

Alternatively: press Alt+I,U to open the Page Number dialog box which is similar to that found in 2003.

Format Page Numbers

Choose Insert, Page Number or press Alt+N,NU. Choose Format Page numbers and enter the desired options for example number format and page where the numbering starts.


You can insert different types of information both in the Header or Footer, and in the main document for example, author, document name, date etc.

Insert a field

Choose Insert, Quick parts. Or press Alt+N,Q. Choose Field from the menu to open the Field dialog box. Here you will find a long list of Field Names. Use first letters to navigate more quickly in the list. For example to insert the Date, press D and press Down arrow to Date in the list.. Tab twice to the list of Date formats. Choose the desired format using the arrow keys and press Space.

Building Blocks

You can save autotexts you use often, for example letter heads, addresses etc. as building blocks. It is then easy to insert the building block in a document instead of writing the text each time.

Save a building block

Select the text. Choose Insert, Quick Parts or press Alt+N, Q. Press Up Arrow to choose Save selection to Quick Part Gallery from the menu  and press Space. Type the name of the building block and press Enter.

Insert a building block

Place the cursor in the appropriate position in the document. Choose Insert, Quick Parts or press Alnt+N, Q. Choose the building block from the gallery using the arrow keys and press Space.