Working with spreadsheets

Selecting cells

Using the keyboard, very similar to Office 2003:

Shift+Space Select a row
Then Shift + Arrow keys to select multiple rows
Ctrl+Space Select a column
Then Shift + Arrow keys to select multiple columns
Ctrl+A Selects all the cells with content

Select a cell range: Move to the first cell in the cell range to be selected. Press F8 to extend the selection. Press Ctrl+G. Enter the cell reference of the last cell and press Enter. The cell range is now selected.

Insert rows, columns and sheets

This function is on the Home ribbon, not on the Insert ribbon. Place the cursor in the appropriate position in the spreadsheet. Press Alt+H, I and choose Insert Rows, Columns or Sheet from the submenu.

The Insert, Delete and Sort functions are also found in the application menu.

Delete rows, columns and sheets

This function is also on the Home ribbon, not on the Insert ribbon. Place the cursor in the appropriate position. Press Alt+H, D and choose Delete Rows, Columns or Sheet from the submenu.

Format columns, rows

Place the cursor in the column or row. Press Alt+H, O (format options) then:
H, Row height, enter the height and press Enter
A, Autofit row height
W, Column width, enter the width and press Enter
I, Autofit column width

Insert a new work spreadsheet

Choose the Home category, and Insert. Or press Alt+H, I and choose Insert sheet from the submenu. Or use the application menu. The new sheet will be inserted in front of the sheet you are in.

Rename a spreadsheet

Place the cursor in the sheet. Choose Home, Format, Rename sheet. Or press Alt+H, F, R. Then type the new sheet name and press Enter.

Delete a spreadsheet

Place the cursor in the Sheet. Choose Home, Delete, Delete Sheet, Or  press Alt+H, D, S. 

Move or Copy a spreadsheet

Place the cursor in the spreadsheet. Choose Home, Format, and Move or Copy Sheet. Or press Alt+H, O, M and open the Move or Copy dialog box.
Press Shift+Tab and enter the work book, tab to Before Sheet: and choose the sheet before or "move to end" with the arrow keys , Tab to check box and check for copy if you want a copy. Press Enter.


You can set formatting options in the Format Cells dialog box which contains tabs for the different formatting categories, Number, Alignment, Font, Border, Fill. Protection.  The keyboard command to open the Format Cells dialog box is the same as in previous versions: Ctrl+1.