Pictures and Objects in Word 2007

Insert Picture File

1. Place the cursor at the appropriate position in the document.

2. Choose Insert, Picture from the Illustrations group. Or press Alt+N, P. This opens the Insert Picture dialog box.

3. Press Alt+D to go to the address bar in the Insert Picture dialog box. Type the file path, or part of the file path for example c:\ in the address bar. Tab 3 times to the Folder list and choose the desired folder or file and press Enter. The Picture is then  inserted. It is selected.

Insert Clip Art

1. Place the cursor at the appropriate position in the document.

2. Choose Insert, Clip Art from the Illustrations. Or press Alt+N, F to open the Clip Art task pane. The focus is now in the task pane.

3. Type in the Search word in the Search field.

4. To change other criteria, i.e. where to search and which file type, open the tree structure in these fields using Down Arrow. The options are checked as standard, press Space to uncheck (Jaws: says check instead of uncheck) and press Enter. Tab to the next field.

5. When you have entered the criteria press Enter to start the search, or move back to the Go button and press Space.

6. Tab to the list of search results. Choose the desired Clip art using the arrow keys and press Space to Insert. The Clip art is inserted in the document. The focus is still in the task pane. Press Ctrl+Space and choose Close to close the task pane. You are now back in the document and the Clip art is selected.

Formatting Pictures

When the picture has been inserted and is selected, a task dependent ribbon toolbar is displayed called format under Picture tools. Press Alt+JP to activate this toolbar. This toolbar has many picture formatting functions e.g.. position, size, border, brightness etc.

You will also find many picture formatting functions in the Format Picture dialog box which is opened from the application menu.

Jaws: to select a picture use the Jaws command Ctrl+Shift+O to show a list of objects. Choose the picture and press Enter. Press Shift+Right arrow to select the picture.

Text wrapping and position

Text wrapping decides how the text will be arranged around the picture. Select the picture. Open the application menu and choose Text wrapping and then choose the desired text wrapping from the submenu.

Choose More Layout options to further define the position, distance from the text, alignment etc.

Change the picture size

Select the picture and open the application menu. Choose Size and type in the new height and width, remember if you change both you should uncheck Lock aspect ratio.

Change the picture style

There are different picture styles (different frame, shape, rotation etc.) in the styles gallery on the Format ribbon.

Select the Picture. Choose Picture styles in the Format ribbon under Picture Tools. Or press Alt+JP, K to open the Picture styles gallery. Choose a style from the gallery using the arrow keys and press Space.

Change the picture shape

Select the Picture. Choose Picture shape in the Format ribbon under Picture Tools. Or press Alt+JP, I to open the Picture shape gallery. Choose a shape from the gallery using the arrow keys and press Space.

Change the picture border

Select the Picture. Choose Picture border in the Format ribbon under Picture Tools. Or press Alt+JP, SO to open the Picture border menu. Choose a border colour from the menu using the arrow keys and press Space. To change the thickness press Alt+JP, SO and then W to open the weight menu. To change the border type (different types of dashes) press Alt+JP,SO and then S to open this menu.

Format Picture Dialog box

Many picture formatting functions can also found in the Format Picture dialog box, for example line colour, line style, Shadow, Rotation etc. Open the application menu and choose Format Picture. Tab to the list of formatting categories and choose the desired category, and then tab to the various fields in this category and enter the formatting options.